About the Bates

Serving 300 students in K0 through 6th grade, the Phineas Bates Elementary School is located in Roslindale. We are proudly one of the most divers school communities in Boston.

The Phineas Bates Elementary School has 7 racial demographics, 15 home languages, and 31 national origins. We have gender non-conforming students and students whose interests align with our society’s gender norms. We have students who open gifts on Christmas, who read from the Torah, and who proudly wear headscarves daily as part of their Muslim faith. We also have students who practice another religion that we celebrate with them or no religion at all. One quarter of our students have disabilities and are educated in the same classrooms as their peers. Some of our students are descendants of the Pilgrims and some moved to the United States within the last year. Our diversity is our strength and we believe that inclusion means everyone.

The Bates Vision

The Bates School will provide all individuals equal opportunities to learn in a safe and supportive environment by respecting the diversity of all individuals. We expect academic excellence and celebrate student achievement in various ways. We do this by living the BATES habits:

We will develop responsible citizens and leaders, partner with parents and community, and instill a love of learning in a nurturing atmosphere. Together we can do anything!

BATES Habits